Neck disc

neck disc

The neck contains seven successive vertebrae that make up the first part of the spine, and a flexible disc separates between each two vertebrae that absorbs shocks, and gives the neck flexibility and the ability to withstand pressures and loads, as one disc consists of a strong outer layer because it contains collagen fibers called the fibrous ring ( Annulus Fibrosus), and an inner layer containing a gel of mucous protein, called the nucleus pulposus. The discs need to be well hydrated in order to maintain their strength and function as shock absorbers. But with age, the discs gradually lose their moisture, harden, become less flexible, and wear out, which leads to the disc’s inner layer coming out, and this in turn causes its connection to the spinal nerve root, and the so-called herniated cervical disc appears, which is known between The general public with neck disc.

Neck disc symptoms

Symptoms of disc neck differ from one person to another, and when symptoms begin to appear, the pain develops either slowly over time or may appear suddenly, and in fact the symptoms range in severity, and the following is a breakdown of these symptoms:

The most common symptoms

There are some symptoms that are common in the case of a disc neck injury, including the following:
  • Neck pain: Simple pain caused by a stiff neck is the most common symptom. The pain may start as mild, but its frequency may increase and become severe, and may last for a few hours or days.
  • Nerve pain: This type of pain tends to be sharp or similar to an electric shock, and the patient feels it below the shoulder and may extend to the arm, hand, or fingers, and it is worth noting that the patient usually feels nerve pain on one side of the body.
  • Pain that gets worse with movement: The pain caused by a disc neck is characterized by getting worse with movement, and improving after rest.
  • Neurological symptoms: The patient feels pain that resembles a prick of needles or pins, numbness, and weakness that moves down the shoulder towards the arm, hand, and fingers, and these symptoms can affect the patient's ability to practice daily activities, such as writing, dressing, and carrying things.

Less common symptoms

The more a herniated disc in the neck progresses, the greater the chance of narrowing the spinal canal or what is known as the spinal canal, and the spinal cord becomes more at risk as a result of pressure on it. Symptoms that may result from pressure on the spinal cord include:
  • Difficulty moving the limbs, and disturbances in the ability to coordinate movement and balance.
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control.
  • Weakness or numbness anywhere under the neck.
  • Electric shock-like pain in the arms or legs, which can get worse when bending forward.

risk factors

There are some factors that increase the risk of developing a disc neck, including:
  • Adopting an unhealthy lifestyle: Smoking, lack of regular exercise, and not eating proper and adequate food accelerate the weakening and wear of the intervertebral disc.
  • Improper lifting or twisting of objects.
  • Aging: Aging can lead to biochemical changes that lose the disc’s elasticity and vitality, and gradually dry it out.
  • Bad posture of the body with wrong body movements that increase pressure on the cervical vertebrae.
  • Wear and tear of the neck discs as a result of injuries.

Stages of the neck disc

There are four stages of cervical disc herniation, and the following are their descriptions:
  • Disc Degeneration: Chemical changes associated with aging weaken the disc, causing it to dry out and make it less able to absorb shocks, and it may become thinner.
  • Disk Prolapse: A disc changes shape or location so that it collides with nerves in the spinal canal. This stage is also called a bulging disc.
  • Disk Extrusion: The nucleus pulposus, which is the inner part of the disc, penetrates the outer part, the fibrous ring, but remains inside the disc.
  • Disc sequestration: At this stage, the nucleus pulposus separates from the fibrous ring completely and may move out of the intervertebral disc toward the spinal canal.

Neck Disc Diagnosis

A doctor diagnoses a disc neck by doing the following:
  • Medical history: The doctor reviews the patient's health history and identifies the symptoms he suffers from.
  • Physical examination: in which the doctor performs a physical examination of the patient by testing the range of motion of the neck, where the patient is asked to make certain movements and tell him if the pain increases or decreases.
  • Imaging: An MRI, X-ray, or CT scan may be done to verify the diagnosis. Imaging also helps identify other conditions that may be causing symptoms.

Neck disc treatment

Neck disc can be treated with the following treatment options:
  • Pain relievers : Such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen may help reduce pain and inflammation. If these drugs do not help in relieving pain, the doctor may resort to steroids or narcotic drugs.
  • Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy is a possible option in cases of cervical disc disease due to its role in helping to improve the range of motion, and providing advice to the patient about the nature of exercises and correct postures.
  • Surgery: If the neck pain does not improve after using analgesic medications and physical therapy, and if the patient suffers from significant numbness or weakness, surgery may be necessary, and a discectomy can be performed, which is the main surgery to treat a neck disc. In which the damaged disc is removed, usually followed by the placement of a metal artificial disc in the place of the damaged disc. As another option, discectomy surgery can be followed by a cervical fusion, during which a small piece of bone is implanted into the space between the two vertebrae to eventually fuse with the upper and lower vertebrae.
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